At PoleKittens Fitness, we know there’s a strong, unapologetically sexy, beautiful woman inside you. Unfortunately, she often gets buried under kids, work, school, and family obligations—but she’s still there. Purr-haps she’s been taking a cat nap, but now’s the time for her to claw her way out.

Feeling Stuck?

Have you tried everything from keto diets to endless fitness programs and still not seeing the results you want? What about giving Six Weeks of Self-Love and 6-Inch Heels a try? Sexy is an inside job.

Welcome to Six Weeks to Sexy

Experience a personalized journey to fitness and self-love with our exclusive Six Weeks to Sexy. In just six weeks, you will lose weight, gain strength, and develop healthy, sustainable habits. More importantly, you will walk away with an unshakeable sense of inner worth and self-confidence.

Six Weeks to Sexy is ground-breaking because it simply focuses on the Three Fs:


Eating does not have to be a struggle. Having maintained her 80-pound weight loss for the last 15 years, Victoria "V" Lore will show you how real food, combined with mindful eating, can completely change your relationship with mealtime and snack time.

We all come from different walks of life, with different views on food and nutrition. Maybe you’ve developed some bad habits over the years, or simply need a reset and some extra encouragement. With access to daily meal plans, recipes, and nutritional guidance, you’ll find starting your weight-loss journey easy and enjoyable.

Plus, you'll receive a copy of V’s ebook, "The Eat Clean. Dance Dirty. Recipe Book," featuring delicious and easy-to-follow clean, whole foods meal plans.


Learning to dance for yourself is one of the most empowering things a woman can do. Our program was carefully created to train you to "tap in" to that mind/body connection without feeling self-conscious.

Through the art of exotic dance, you'll discover a new way to work out: moving in your beautiful body as you unlock the beauty, grace, and strength that comes from pole dance. You’ll learn to climb, spin, dance, and heels!


Every woman deserves to feel sexy and be comfortable in her own skin. Positive and lasting change doesn't start at the gym or in the kitchen; it begins with your "me" time. Our program teaches you to effectively silence that "mean girl" that resides inside every woman's head and how to love yourself unconditionally.

Before and after transformation of Instructor V at Polekittens Studio.

Your Sensei of Sexy: Victoria "V" Lore

What makes this program different from other women’s diet and fitness plans? Like a pair of six-inch stilettos in a room full of sneakers, Six Weeks to Sexy stands alone. More "sensei of sexy" than a personal fitness trainer, PoleKittens founder Victoria “V” Lore lost 80 pounds through pole dancing and changing her relationship with food.

During this program, she personally guides you on a carefully-crafted journey to becoming a strong, sexy, and beautiful badass in your own right. V not only talks the talk; she’s actually walked the walk. Emotional eating? Feeling like a slug? She’s been there, and she found her way out. You will too!







Group Sessions

cost: $297.00 includes heels!

New Sessions Start:

Tuesday - August 6th at 8:00pm

Monday - August 12th at 10:00AM



Online Course

Coming September 2024

Get on the waitlist!

cost: $197.00 

Train with V

Train One-On-One with V

cost: $797.00

Program includes heels.

Download the PoleKittens Fitness App

View class schedules, buy shoes, book sessions or parties, and more!


Fitness management software